Product Description
Re-delivery of orders that have been missed is charged at the standard delivery rate to your area plus a re-booking fee of £4.99.
Please state when purchasing a re-order, your preferred delivery date and we will try and work towards this date.
If you miss a re-delivery an excess charge may be added to allow for our time wasted.
Delivery & Returns
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat sem id nunc finibus, et facilisis dolor aliquam. Donec ex felis, scelerisque ut facilisis et, convallis nec magna. Nulla vel ex eget lacus imperdiet mattis convallis quis leo. Mauris laoreet vulputate mauris. Vestibulum in blandit enim. Vivamus consectetur mattis dapibus. Nullam ultricies malesuada dignissim.
Re-delivery of missed orders
You Will Earn 5 points which is the equivalent of £0.05